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Service Time Span Services General Report
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Service Time Span Services

In order to better understand our service structure, please look at the example illustrated below. There are 4 processes (A,B,C,D) classified as key point of this service within approx.3 months after contract date.

Stage A : Interviews with you

After receiving your company's brochures and information, we will conduct in-depth interviews jointly identifying the vision/goal with you. These interviews will establish a gClear Vision and Realistic Goalsh and will provide you with supplementary information and explanation about our service and contract conditions.

Stage B : Market research by In-depth surveys/Investigations and gInterviewhandgNegotiationh with several potential partners in targeted market

  1. Targeted Market
    • In-depth research into the country's Economic Situation and relevant history
    • Current Macro Economic overview
    • Current Market Trend and overview
    • Existing Market Sector Structures
    • Current Trend in Promotional/Marketing Strategies and Tactics

  2. Interviews and negotiations with potential partners in targeted markets

  3. Development of SWOT analysis, market segmentation, market positioning, 4 gPh (product,
  4. price, place, promotion) and development of a detailed gStrategic Market Plan h for the target market

Stage C : First Report (See General Report )

Stage D : Second Report (See General Report )

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